Do You Sell Cracks 🤔
Last Update a month ago

NO we dont actively sell cracks.
We Provide Our Services As Experienced Producers Engineers & Developers And We Supply Safe Reliable And Verified Preactivated RePacks & Samples As well as our own Samples Vocal Chains & Studio Services
( VDAM )
We are a legal entity with a legal business registration and we use legal safe & trusted payment gateways for all monetary transactions and administrations.
We used to sell on EbayÂ
For over 4 years until the managed payment system came into effect at which point we could no longer operate the way we did before as we also middle manned Genuine Retail Products with the customers funds and it became impossible to provide the customers thier software at the same speed we could before managed payments was introduced.
Vstpluginz is 100% Crowd Sourced and Annonymous
We are in fact legally affiliate contracted with other 3rd party vendors & sample pack merchants that we advertise for. We recieve a very small fee for each click on the affiliate link provided on any product page and your welcome to see our affiliate contracts on our About us Pages
Affiliate marketing doesnt make us alot of money at all but it does help
other people explore the retail products and offer them the opportunity to buy the retail version at a cheaper price if thats what they prefere, as well as providing a platform of interest for the developers of the products.
As for distributing software and undercutting the devolpers
You will find that most Audio software developers being producers themselves understand that the situation regarding distributed software is Hereditary and that they actually benefit from the free advertising and interest in thier products that websites like generates for them.
Smaller developers have more of a problem with public distributions
As they overlook the fact that thier product is being marketed and advertised for free by websites like and when the customer is ready they will purchase thier product having gained enough insight into the product to justify purchasing it at RRP.
Larger software companies understand public distribution is just apart of the industry and they accept the benefits rather than waisting time and money trying to erradicate the free advertising that public distribution generates.
You might not agree with our practices but it is something all producers have done as apart of a thier music production journey. Weather it be Swapping samples packs and plugins with friends and family or buying a Complete Studio software package to advance thier abilities and potentials through experience.
Its Just What Producers & DJs Do
We Do What We Do Because We Do It Ourselves đź‘Š
Yours admittedly. Shane Dee ( MIXXY ) CEO & DeveloperÂ